The « canal du Centre » upgrading to 1350 tons will cost 35 billions B.F. This paper analyses the economic costs and benefits of the project on the basis of a traffic forecast and the computation of operating and transportation costs of the various alternatives: keeping the old canal, upgrading and closing the canal. À sensitivity analysis of the results is performed. The conclusions are not favorable to the upgrading solution.
A totally disaggregate approach is used over regional Origin and Destination survey data to estimate equitable municipal financial shares related to some urban transit network financing scheme. The MADITUC (Model for the Disaggregate Analysis of Urban Transit Trips) System, with specific cost allocation assumptions, has the capability to measure travel consumption for diverse transit riders' categories. Consequently, methods for computing redistributive effects of transport System could be easily derived. Accordingly, a suggested model is sketched and discussed.
We examine and discuss the main issues related to the management and planning of the land transportation of maritime containers. We then present our methodological framework for an integrated modeling and solution of both the general problem and its main components: location of inland terminals, planning of empty container flows to balance the network, construction of routes and choice of transportation modes for loaded and empty movements, fleet management, routing and allocation of vehicles required for transportation. We briefly review the data requirements of a decision support system based on this methodology, and mention results concerning the estimation of costs and demands.
We summarize various contributions to transportation economics, notably to the analysis of transportation demand, of mode choice models, and of road safety, and give an idea of their innovative aspects, as well as an outline of their implementation and use in the scientific and professional community.
Tinbergen-Bos Systems (TBS) have proven to be fruitful in allowing to derive propositions concerning general spatial economic equilibrium. Until recently most developments were based on spaces (implicitly) provided with a discrete metric. The authors endeavoured to generalize that metric to a Manhattan one, and expose their first results on the simultaneous location of two types of industries.
The problem of adopting a valid criterion for comparing different transport projects is much discussed by experts. So far, any such analysis has been restricted by the subjectivity of any such evaluation. Consequently such an analysis is considered unscientific because the solution to the problem may depend upon either the very nature of the different projects examined or upon the views of the experts who carry out the evaluation. This paper which is based upon research into multipurpose analysis and past experience offers a new formulation for this procedure, which excludes value judgments in the standardization of the measuring of these purposes and also includes the cost-benefit analysis in the final evaluation thru establishing the stability functions in such a way as to point towards the « optimum » solution of the problem. Finally, the model is actually applied to a real-life situation: the restructuration of a railway corridor.