26 | 1992

1. Analyse statistique des situations du transport en commun de surface (tram et autobus) et de métro à Bruxelles

Christiane Delepiere-Dramais.
In the case of Brussels, as in many other cities of medium size, a large debate has opposed during many years, partisans of tram and bus to those in favor of underground which have put in evidence the respective advantages of the network systems.The present trend is to reduce at a minimum level the works concerning underground and to give more important budgets for tram and bus network especially in the national budgetary context.In our analysis, starting from a statistical material, we put in evidence the characteristics (quantitative and qualitative) of the different kinds of public transportation as well as the financial aspect of their implementation.The purpose of the study is to quantify the effects of the public transportation politics formerly implemented. We also wished to put into light criteria of a politic who, principally in this sector, has to be conceived in a long-range perspective, in the frame of a global project of mobility as well as to reach the highest possible economic and financial return for the activities of the public transportation bodies.

2. Comportement de déplacement dans un espace économique subjectif

Isabelle Derognat.
Sensitive man makes a choice between several destinations referring to his own mental representation of economic space. So, to explain and anticipate the real spatial interaction decisions, we suggest the cognitive network-distance as the only explanatory variable. First, its analytical expression is built and introduced into gravitary models. Then we are able to distinguish the individual trip behaviors in reference to the partial and subjective information’s gathered by each subject on choice environment.

3. Les méthodes d'évaluation du prix de la vie humaine. Comparaisons internationales. Application au coût de l'insécurité routière

Michel Le Net.
The research bas been undertaken to estimate “the human life cost” in relation to road safety, and from this to evaluate the economic cost of road accidents.The study bas been conducted at an international level. We have analyzed, whenever possible, the methodologies retained in countries which utilize the value of human life, in particular, to calculate the investments of road safety.Conclusion:- human cost, as it applies to road safety, is evaluated at FRF 3,3 millions in 1990 (FRF 3,6 millions for 1992);- road accident costs for the French economy are estimated at FRF 122 000 millions in 1990 (FRF 124 000 millions for 1992).

4. Prévision du trafic des voyageurs sur lignes ferroviaires à grande vitesse : expériences avec deux modèles d'analyses sur la relation Barcelone-frontière française

Andrès Lopez Pita ; Jean-Pierre Arduin ; Philippe Tardier.
This paper describes the current situation of the transport flows by modes in the international relations between Spain and the rest of Europe. It explains the geographic zoning adopted for accurately establishing origin/destination flows. Details the different models used for traffic forecasting, including everything necessary for evaluating the induced traffic on all new high speed lines in accordance with French experience. Finally the paper will provide the results obtained for the total traffic and for each origin/destination.

5. Un petit modèle bidimensionnel décrivant l'univers des déplacements

Francis Papon.
This little model is aimed at schematizing the universe of travel, by means of two dimensions: the distance for physical travel, and the value of time for the traveler. To make a trip, transport technologies propose different solutions called modes. A traveler judges each mode according to its performances, represented by a generalized speed, ratio of the dis¬tance of travel to the generalized travel time. Thus, this modeling leads to draw two original graphs of the universe of travel: the surface of generalized speeds, and the map of competitive modes. This modeling can show favoured (or unfavoured) trips by present technologies. It also allows a measure of the effect of the introduction of a new mode.

6. Intérêt et faisabilité du mode d'exploitation en voie unique pour des systèmes de transport en site propre dans les villes moyennes

Guillaume Uster ; Francis Kuhn ; Pierre Marx.
This paper presents a comparative study of the conditions of realization between an automatic dedicated single track people mover and an automatic dedicated double track people mover as regards both « system » and infrastructure aspects. The paper describes the specific operational features of this type of line. An application to a medium-sized French city demonstrates the feasibility of this mode of operation and the savings which can result. In the case under consideration, however, the savings resulting from choosing the single line are modest. Finally, this study demonstrates that the main advantage of single track systems is their ease of integration.

7. Transport et informatique parallèle

Teodor Crainic ; Michel Gendreau ; Gilbert Laporte ; Christian Lardinois.
This paper describes a number of applications of parallel computing in the field of transportation, as well as some research avenues derived from this technique. The impact of parallel computing on the study of several classical operations research problems arising in transportation is examined, and a number of industrial and commercial applications where parallel compu¬ting could prove relevant are described.

8. Les collectivités territoriales face aux stratégies logistiques des opérateurs privés : une étude de cas

Gilles Paché.
No one questions today the importance of logistics as an activity creating both employment and wealth. To have further evidence of this, one simply needs to observe how vigorously various regions in France have been developing and managing public platforms for several years. Paradoxically, however, few studies have analyzed to what extent such logistic infrastructures may, or may not be considered in the process of decision making of private business. The author intends to cover this ground partially by using research carried out in the Champagne-Ardenne region.

9. La maîtrise de la sécurité dans le transport routier de matières dangereuses. La règle et son paradoxe d'efficience

Jean-Pierre Saint Eloi.
This article deals with a doctoral thesis on transport upheld on 25th June 1991 at the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (Paris - Marne la Vallée). Through the historical research of the determining factors and impacts of the accidents concerning road transport of dangerous goods which took place in France, and their comparison with the virtual effects of major accidents evaluated by probability and determining techniques of forecasting of physical, chemical and sanitary effects, the author demonstrates how the existing regulations have organized with all people involved a discussion about prevention which in fact is largely determined by the economic choices and strategies of the different producers of dangerous goods concerning the organization of their transport in their respective markets.

10. Le hub, élément fondamental des stratégies des acteurs de l'express

Bénédicte Vulin.
The hub and spokes model is a special type of network morphology, typically cherished by integrators and other express goods transport businesses. The aim here is to show first that this network structure is a matter of micro-economic strategy in an oligopoly context, and then that individual decision of adoption of the hub and spokes model as well as the choice of where to establish the hub cannot be correctly analyzed but in the frame of imperfect competition micro-economic theory of the producer.As a preliminary, a backdrop of the situation is set up, showing how the hub and spokes model bas emerged, and how it works in the case of express transportation; moreover, in order to gauge the importance of the hub and spokes network among the other types of network, a typology of express transport actors is also sketched out based on their different network morphologies.