28 | 1993

1. Les études de suivi de transports collectif en site propre - méthode et contenu

Patrick Bonnel ; Sylvie Thibaud.
The analysis of monitoring studies allow to classify the most important methodologies in use:- the "before-after" analysis. In a few word, it consists in recording the data before and after operating the PTSP. The impacts of the PTSP are deduced of the comparison between the two sets of data,- the "after" analysis. It consists in interviewing the actors about their own perception of the evolution of their behaviour or of the behaviour of the other actors, and to ling them to the PTSP,- analyses based on the "congruence" concept. The PTSPs are part of an evolving urban space. They have a revealing and amplifying action on those changes. We are therefore concerned here with the study of the actor’s strategies in dynamic situations. This overview leads to questioning the notion of "effect or impact" in terms of direct causality of the PTSP on its environment. Hence, it is rather suitable to use a broad diagnostic of urban system.In a second part, we propose an organization of the numerous constituent elements of the monitoring. We begin from the actors of the urban system, from their function, from the stakes that the PTSP covers. This analysis gives the possibility to structure the monitoring and in parallel to fix the priorities with respect to the phenomena and the changes to be observed in relation to the objectives assigned to the monitoring.

2. Stratégies européennes des opérateurs de transport de fret : mythes ou réalités ?

Philippe Bossin.
Should we believe the allegations of their managers, often echoed without much thin-king by the Press, Road Haulage Carriers are always n° 1 or likely to be n° 1. Some claim they are leaders in the trade i.e. leaders in the parcels service, transport of refrigerated goods or bulk tanker. Some even claim they are the best in everything! Others try to differentiate from the rest of the crowd. They claim to be the best through the quality of service, their technical competence or their data processing System. Last but not least, those who could not assert they were on the top of the scale, will maintain they are "leaders in the region". The so-called region doesn't stretch from the United Kingdom to Spain or even from Lille to Marseille, but from Aurillac to Tulle and from Chateaubriand to Redon.There's no doubt that "in the kingdom of tube blind, tube one-eyed is King". Out of the 37,000 firms we reckoned in the transport sector, 27,000, perhaps more, are just fighting to survive. May be we are too narrow-minded, we are however much concerned about the peremptory assertion of the existence of 10,000 "leaders". We are led to believe that they are the product of a megalomaniac lunacy rather than of the strategies reality of the sector.In this paper we have carried out on the subject, we have tried to sort out the many assertions and bring out the many strategies set by French firms, in order to play a part in the European competition.

3. Des réseaux pour grandes vitesses – Relations aériennes et ferroviaires

Michel Chesnais.

4. Route-Fer. Quel choix pour les chargeurs ? L’exemple de l'industrie automobile

Jean-Louis Deyris.
Dilemma for the loaders.What kind of transport must be carried on logistic network?The example of car industry falls in with this exercise.For this purpose, a succession of comparisons about delays of forwarding, goods, EDI and transporting costs will allow an exact analysis which will decide about the right kind of transport.Moreover, the railways "Just in Time" is it the same than the road "just in time»?A future choice could be the intermodal transport.

5. Achat de voitures, diésélisation et kilométrages des ménages

Laurent Hivert.
Buying a new car leads households to a growing car mobility. Furthermore, the use of the new car is very dependent on the fuel type. The correct apprehension of such behavioural changes requires the use of panel data, in order to follow the same households over successive years and to compare mileage values before and after they purchase a new car. This paper présents a comparative estimation on the data of the French panel "parc auto" (INRETS/SOFRES); it appears particularly useful in order to assess the impacts of "dieselization" on fuel consumption and pollutant emission.

6. Fiabilité et planification des réseaux de transport routier : l'état de l'art

Brunilde Sansò.
Reliability is not a widely studied issue in vehicular transportation planning. This paper presents a critical survey on the state of the art on the issues of reliability and transportation planning.