21 | 1990

1. Environnement, gestion des espaces publics et transports urbains en Suisse

Philippe H. Bovy.

2. Les mutations structurelles récentes du trafic roulier anglo-continental. Une approche dyadique

Jacques Charlier.
The number of passengers and of tourism or commercial vehicles carried by sea between England and continental Europe increased dramatically between 1977 and 1987. However, this varied very much according to the type of demand and the axes of traffic. A dyadic transformation of the original data has been carried and a common measure of flows is suggested.Structural change is shown in time series of elementary and generalized specialization indexes. On the whole, the share of the French ports of the Channel and the Strait has increa¬sed, but unacompanied commercial vehicles are mainly directed via North Sea ports.

3. Développements algorithmiques récents et perspectives de recherche en distributique

Gilbert Laporte.
In its broadest sense, distribution includes all transportation activities of the firm. Some authors have estima¬ted that distribution costs can make up to 10 % of all operating costs. Over the last twenty years, Operations Research specialists have conceived a number of approximate and exact algorithms to solve models underlying distribution problems. More recently, optimization based interactive-graphic packages that can be used on micro-computers have been developed and marketed. They are responsible for important savings in several companies. In this paper, we review these algorith¬mic and computer advances. Directions for fur¬ther research are also discussed.

4. Coûts et surcoût du camionnage en Afrique

Christophe Rizet.
Why is trucking so expensive in Africa? In order to answer this question, we must compare the structure of African costs with those of other countries. The method developed to this end allows to separate the influence of the different factors and, in particular, the effect of input prices from the productivity effect. The weak productivity of African vehicles results both from the high kilometric consumptions, and the small yearly number of kilometers travelled, as well from the high empty return rate.

5. Economie des transports et économie spatiale de la ville à l'industrie

Pierre Teurnier.
This article considers the connections which economic activities, especially industry, have with their economic space. This historical evolution of these connections depends upon the evolution of transport. Thus, the analyze of certain economic schools of though, which are particularly slanted towards transport, maintains that economic space has been successively: an obstacle to development which must be over-come; a price paid for economic activity over distance, which slows the rotation of capital; finally, a source of opportunities for profit which may be selectively taken advantage of, depending upon the development of transport.

6. Les fronts portuaires français : un problème régional ou international ?

André Vigarie.
Waterfronts are the part of landscape between the town itself and the harbour, in which are located equipment dealing with maritime needs: stocking, wholesale, workers of the docks, tertiary activities, "sailortown"... Often they have an architectural outlook coming from the wealthy periods of ocean trade. Now new interest comes upon them, because of the extend of no more used maritime equipment in many great harbours.This paper analyses some examples taken in France (Le Havre, Marseille, Nantes) and precise the particularities of the French case. Then it tries to determine the general meaning of waterfronts elsewhere, their evolution and the mechanisms underlying their transformations.