Having realized that transport has become a significantly larger contributor to energy consumption and the environmental degradation, this study aims at identifying its comprehensive mechanism and providing a scenario analysis method to understand the future environmental consequences.The mechanism is investigated on the basis of urbanization, motorization and the environment nexus within the transport domain. Each linkage between the components inside the mechanism e.g. population density and distribution, urban configuration, income level, car ownership, transport infrastructure supply, infrastructure investment level etc., has also been examined empirically. The subsequent attempt is to illustrate and validate the proposed premise on the basis of actual interrelationship among urbanization, motorization and the environment through an analogous approach of equivalent development patterns in four diverse metropolises -namely London, Tokyo, Nagoya and Bangkok- situating at various stages of economic development process and at different points of time.The results of the study contain many-sided meaningful evidences and considerable findings to mechanize and support the presumable sequences of nexus. In addition to transport contributor, other environmental consequences are also analyzed. It is likely that the urban development path of a younger aged metropolis will typically follow the same manner as those of prior elderly aged metropolises but rather at an accelerating rate […]
In the context of competition among European cities, the " rank " of a given city is usually analysed in terms of ground installations : the more you have, the more important you are. In such normative approach, having both an airport and an " efficient " interconnection facility " air/high speed train " appears as essential. In the present article, the multimodal dimension of the transportation system is presented in a different way, based on taking advantage of existing networks rather than realizing new equipments: the case of the Parisian airport Roissy is here analysed in the light of recent developments of the high speed train link between this airport and Lille, especially in terms of frequency (14 trains a day make it possible, for an inhabitant of Lille, to join Roissy in less than 60 minutes). Moreover, we prove that few simple and cheap measures (such as 3 additional trains a day) would increase very significantly the air transport capacity from Lille ; Roissy being considered as the " second airport " of this city for the national destinations.
The law of the flag regulate the conditions of ship's exploitation. The flag of convenience's extension does not allow faithful competition, sufficient maritime security. From the prevention of oil pollution, the port States check the conditions of the ship's exploitation, whatever the ship's flag. The convention 147 of 1976 of the ILO, the memorandum of understanding of Paris of 1982, the directive UE 95/21 of the 19th June 1995 constitute the foundation of port State's control.
The paper underlines the link which exists between – on the one hand – the validity of the application of a model in order to forecast the effects of a change in transport supply concerning the traffic and – on the other hand – the aptitude of the model to systematically observe the " plausibility " of the result concerning induction and the " coherence " of this result with respect to those of modal split. Then, it shows how the usual forecasting tools – " sequential models " or " direct modal demand models " – are founded on a formulation of the phenomena which, according to the values of the parametric components, does not make possible necessarily plausibility and consistency in a simultaneous way ; it is thus necessary sometimes to choose, with these tools, between reproducing correctly multiple observed data or ensuring the stability of theoretical basis by preserving the same formulation of the phenomena of one application to the other. Lastly, it proposes another type of formulation which, in contrast, guarantees itself, at the same time, both plausibility and coherence and can thus be applied without adaptation to all the particular studies desired.