The traditional concept of network (which we have named for commodity reasons, "tube-network") is today in crisis. Based on a hydraulic like approach, it is no more able to describe phenomenas like diversification of transportation mobiles, complexification of urban territories, problems of "modes integration" strategies in urban transportation, etc. In the same time the elements of a new conceptual paradigm (which we have called "connexionist") are beginning to appear. Remodeling RATP's bus networks is today a priority objective for the enterprise. The aims and principles of this restructuration have been developed in a project which is based on a connexionist conception of networks. Evaluating performances of this type of networks supposes the development of new formal models. This paper presents a research in this matter, founded on system analysis and multicriteria supporting decision theory.
From a research on six medium sized cities of Java (Indonesia), the paper insists upon the diversity of urban public transport among the cities. Several explanations of the lack of a common pattern are put forward. The regulation of public transport shows the specific Indonesian characters which allow a high flexibility and a consensus approach for the connection of the different systems. The authors try to identify the main guidelines which could be kept for a public transport policy appropriate to medium sized cities of Java.
This paper presents the general structure of a tactical planning tool aimed at assisting motor-carriers in the analysis of various operating strategies and network configurations by globally considering the design of the service network of the company and the routing of freight through this network under the double criteria of economic efficiency and service quality. The methodological aspect of the approach is presented, along with some experimental results obtained from various scenarios analysis at two large Canadian motor-carriers.
The evolution of technology and labor costs in maritime countries results in a transfer of shipping from developed countries to some newly industrialized countries. To make the maximum profit from shipping industry for the national economy, a new maritime policy is supposed to be worked out in line with such evolution, so as to decide when and how the government should be involved. Thaï policy ought to have three stages concerning successively the preparation, the development and the retreat of shipping industry.
From the automobile market analysis between 1973-1987, it appears that the part of new cars decreases compared with used cars, on account of increasing time ownership and propensity to take second-hand cars.Buyer’s caracteristics (more than one car owning, household income. age) have great effects on the market trend.Long run, the part of new cars should decline, but more slowly, with population ageing and purchasers decreasing (for first or second car, generally second-hand car). However, the generalization of vehicles technic control should much change the car market equilibrium.
Electronic data interchange (EDI) refers to a paperless, computer-to-computer method for exchanging a large class of business documents for the entire chain of business transactions.This paper has three main objectives;- to survey of the development and use of EDI in the U.S. and Canada,- to discuss a number of policy and strategic issues concerning EDI,- to propose a research agenda for future work.
In 1981, the TGV was put on service. In 1986, the impact on the journeys is both more permanent and larger than it was supposed: after noticing a strong induction phase and a new modal share, one may say that the growth of rail, air and car traffics is still important on the Paris-South-East corridor. This growth goes with an important space sprawl: the main TGV served cities are concerned with the appraisal for the TGV network.The OEST was in charge of these main effects analysis, based on two complementarily origins:- Monthly traffic statistics allowing an accurate chronological analysis;- Air, rail and car inquiries done in 1981 and 1984 drawing the modal share of the ante and post TGV situation.It comes out from these analysis that the general success result of a great diversity of situations: the transport demand increased strongly where as it was deeply modified.At the moment, the advance in knowledge comes us against a problem of relevance as for the available data in order to quantify the phenomenon. Based on the South-East TGV experience, the paper focuses on the method problem for the data collecting.
Assuming that the distinction between services and manufacturing industries is relevant, goods transport is generally classified among services. Considering the technical conditions of its achievement and the economic status under which it is proposed, one can show that transport belongs to manufacturing industries. Therefore, the concepts and methods of industrial economics and management sciences can be applied to it, and the study of freight activities can be taken into account to consider some of today's keenest economics debates.
Within the context of the public debate concerning environmental transport concepts the following questions are of increasing interest:- are ecological transport concepts, aiming at a substantial decrease of car usage within urban areas of high density at the same time economic in terms of cost and monetary benefits?- which transport projects contribute to both ecological and economic aims?- which is the method to compare and evaluate ecological and originally monetary criteria?These questions were answered in the framework of a research project entitled "Case studies for the economic and ecological evaluation of alternative transport concepts" sponsored by the German environmental agency. The results pro¬vide basic information and support to improve decision-making of urban political bodies.
This contribution has been written at the invitation of the President of the French National Committee for Geography, in view of the publication of a book in English on the present state of research in Geography in France, which will be issued for the next Congress of the International Geographical Union, in Sydney (Australia), in August 1988. It describes the main lines of the research by French geographers in the field of transportation: urban and regional transportation, water transportation (on the sea and on rivers), transportation and present changes, especially in the perspective of the future Free European Market.
The period 1980-1986 is here reviewed through the main results of urban transit enterprises.Supply, demand, tarification and production costs are examined. 1986 seems a favourable year for public transport.
The present study bears on a generalization of the weberian location problem to the various divisions of a firm, linked together and with their respective markets through their respective transport and communication costs; the study is completed by spatial econometrics considerations (test, estimation).