Specified financial risks are attached to the building of a high speed line because of:- the huge volume of necessary funding and the duration of the building phase,- the operating losses arising during the first years,- the mismatches between the life of investments and the maturity of the initial financings,- the uncertain surrounding parameters (financial market rates, inflation).These risks have consequential effects on the income statement and also on the indebtedness of the companies.The article studies, and illustrates with a quoted case, the sensitivity to these parameters. It shows that depending on the internal rate of return of such a construction, the situation in the future can appear either good or generating unlimited losses.The author examines which financial tools could allow the companies to hedge these risks.
5 measurement campaigns on vehicle uses and operating conditions were carried out: 2 in France in 1983 and 1989, and 3 European phases - Great-Britain, Germany and France - in 1990. Private vehicles were equipped with data acquisition systems and were driven by their owners for their normal purposes. Tests were performed over 114 vehicles, 140 000 kilometers and 18 000 trips travelled. Vehicle speeds and engine operating conditions were recorded at one-second time intervals.Vehicle uses and operating conditions were analyzed during the 5 measuring phases: daily use frequencies, trip characteristics (lengths, durations, etc.), speeds experienced.The analysis of instantaneous speeds and accelerations allowed the construction of representative test cycles for measuring pollutant emissions and fuel consumption on a test bench.
With the highest attractivity in Europe (50 rail trips per capita, per annum or three times the European average), the Swiss rail System offers a dense, frequent and reliable service. The rail network is tightly interconnected with all urban, regional and alpine public transport systems as well as with two international air-ports at Zurich and Geneva. The current RAIL + BUS 2000 development program aims at doubling the rail service on all major trunk lines. The system will be supplemented by two high performance transalpine lines to substantially increase passenger and freight traffic capacities. Withstanding environmental and financial difficulties, the Swiss transport policy will proceed with the implementation of high quality rail services to supplement the non-expandable freeway System. The most interesting feature of the Swiss rail model is the systematic development of a fully interconnected public transport system at all levels: international, national, regional and urban.
The extension of commuting and the development of interurban exchanges open new markets for Regional Railway Transportation. How can it really compete with its rival, the personal car?The unique market for which railway is competitive is the one which involve strict schedule at peak hours. It includes two subsystems: suburban trips home-work and home-school; intercity business trips.It is obvious that today's services do not fit the market, even more from a qualitative than quantitative viewpoint.Railway services has to be adapted to appropriate schedules (roundtrip in half a day) rather than frequency, fares (suburban), access (park and ride, signing, comfortable environment, feeder bus system for school services) and rolling stock (suitable, well accessible, efficient). This evolution could be accelerated with the opening of the European market, with the increasing role of local authorities clother to citizen, and also with new institutional and organizational framework for the operation of railway services.
This study aims at deepening and enriching existing methods of evaluation of transport policies. Such an objective can be achieved with, on the one hand the analysis of space changes in the North-Pas-de-Calais area due to the new transport infrastructures that have been planned and, on the other hand, the analysis of actor strategies which are being developed.The maturity of the European single market, the implementation both of the Channel tunnel and of the North TGV (High Speed Rail-way), as well as the motorway programmes altogether symbolize a major stake for the North-Pas-de-Calais area. Thus, although it cannot claim to be right at the European crisscross, this area is yet right at a crisscross of opportunities. The strategies that have been developed by decision makers in terms of politics and economics are very important indeed. As a matter of fact, it is in the very confrontation of these strategies that the North-Pas-de-Calais area's future is taking shape.
Whatever their main objective may be - to improve the accessibility to the city centre or to case the go-through automobile traffic-urban - transportation planners can choose, among possible technical tools, to develop underground road network, in the most central zones of the town. This policy, which tends to generalize in France, may represent a trustable (valuable) way to regulate urban transportation. This paper shows that, from the point of view of the road user, a trade-off between the two modes (underground and surface road networks), set on the comparison of generalized costs can lead, in a simplified analytical framework, to an income-based segregation of urban households. The "twinning" of transportation offer, by the mean of a complementarily between a tarified underground road network and a free surface network, much like the Pigou-Knight scheme, allows new perspectives in the efficient ruling of the urban land, in limited disposition by definition.
Relationship between mobility and new transport supply, whatever it is, local services or transeuropean networks, means for research community three main questions:- how to caracterize the scale of the supply modification from the user's viewpoint?- how to anticipate changes in demand in order to estimate the potential market?- how to reveal the behavioural mechanisms inducing such changes?In the following communication, the author suggests methodological tracks of answer based on three recent studies developed in OEST and respectively dealing with:- the setting up of a model analyzing the isolation of certain zones regarding business trips, which allows a measurement of the variation of supply quality through a set of accessibility indicators,- the use of trade-off analysis to study the potential market of regional express bus services according to different scenarios of supply,- the constitution of a European and multimodal before and after survey of the impact of North-European HST on mobility behaviour, for a typologic sample of zones served.
Transportation is only one element in the glo¬bal environment of the economic activities. So, the evolution of the economic system has to be defined and their consequences on land-use specified. Management and processing of informations are more and more important for the economic system. It's a key-factor of present transformations. The question of the localization of activities is part of these alterations. A clear tendency to the concentration of high-tech or high-value added activities is currently marked. Some privileged places are rising and have together strong relationships. This "connected network" structure is overlapping the classical forms of territory, but not taking the place of them. By comparison between these consequences and the network of high speed transportation, large convergences will appear and also some gaps. High speed and regional network interconnexion can be a solution.
While the tramway only remained in operation in Lille, Marseille and Saint-Etienne, the development of metro or tramway rapid transit systems in the main provincial urban areas - out-side the Greater Paris Area - was encouraged by the government from the beginning of the 1970’s to encourage public transport and counteract the congestion of motor-car traffic in town centers.Different examples of new systems highlight the increase in the number of public transport users - and the appearance of new users - following the opening of the metro, the VAL and the tramway.These results are also due to the reorganization of the entire public transport system (buses, coaches, railway etc.) around these new lines that provide the foundation for the overall service with an integrated fares system.Introduction of these new systems has also facilitated control of running costs.
If, in a metropolitan system, public transport is always organized around a central pole and ramification subsequently takes place, there are different ways in which to influence the ramifications, accentuating the hierarchy or the suburban networks for which each lay out project corresponds to a different interpretation of the land system.To plan transport for a hierarchical metropolitan region means reinforcing the radial lines; to plan transport for an urban network implies operations on public transport of a transverse type, and the need to closely combine the transport policy and the land policy, that is to say, the design of the lines and the content of the junctions of the network. The study identifies the network of arches and junctions in the metropolitan area of Milan.
The comparison between two transportation means cannot be unaware of space. Road and rail-road combined networks deeply differ in the number of access points and the modal split is subordinate to the localization with regard to this access points.For freight, spatial theory allows us to compare an all road direct journey and a combined rail-road one. With drawing the market area of the transshipment centre, the theory define the places where each solution is the most competitive; it specifies which ingredients are necessary to make combined transport become a competitive offer.The market area of several transshipment centers bas been charted thanks to a survey. The results confirm the theoretical conclusions, in particular the link between the length of the rail transport leg of the journey and the width of the market area.