The purpose of this paper is to present the results of an attempt to built up a Regional Passenger Account for the Ile-de-France Region. The methodology provided is derived from the one used for the Satellite Accounts of the National Accounting.The Transportation Account isolates all investment and operating expenses specific to this field for the year 1983. It describes the financial flows involved. Households, enterprises and administrations contributions are detailed, as well as those supplied by the State, the Region and the local governments. It makes a comparison between the different means of transportation (private and public) both in terms of cost price and expenses the users carry (social advantages and costs no included).The paper concludes on some leading ideas for modifications which might happen in the rules for financing transportation in the Ile-de-France Region.
Urban public transport planning in the Paris Region started again in the sixties when the Urban Master Plan was established. To study this experience of twenty years of planning, the goals and the approach of planning are first analyzed. Then the changes in priorities and the history of decisions about the RER system, metro extensions and bus ways or light rail are examined. Decision results from political willingness. But planning plays an important role in the conception of projects, it insures coherence, enlights the choices by showing their main consequences and allows discussion between the decision-makers. Its iterative process allows to take advantage from experience, to value at each stage previous realizations, and to take into account changes in the environment.
Analysis of competition between modes or between carriers on goods transport market refers very often to the concept of "quality of service", without any precise definition of this concept.Quality of service of transport operation may be characterized by its position in a multidimensional space, the axes of which measure speediness, regularity, safety and, finally, production of informations linked to goods movements. Moreover, when a shipper chooses a carrier, it takes into account its "adaptability" (ability to assume services of various characteristics) and its "logistic ability" (ability to conduct operations related to transport, in the strict sense of the word).
Transportation planning process is frequently based on the results of travel demand (satisfied demand) analysis. From this point of view, latent travel demand (non-satisfied demand) is generally excluded (or nominally included) in many transportation studies. This fact leads to an attempt in establishing a method ca¬pable of revealing latent travel de¬mand in the perspective to integrate it in the travel demand forecasting process.This method relies principally upon the simulation of effects resulting from a new public transport scheme on daily travel-activity behaviors. Its application on a sub-urban community of Lyons provides many interesting results which permit to describe the population's latent travel demand.
In transport planning, when efforts are undertaken in order to re-activate life in the ancient "quartiers" or to limit energy consumption, attention is frequently paid to short trips. However, this field still remains quite unexplored.This paper tries to approach short trips through an original trip classification based not only on the distance travelled but also on some of the characteristics of the chain to which the trip belongs. Then, it's possible to study the modal split, to show the close relation between trip purpose and type of trip, and finally, to reveal some socio-economic determinants of this micro-mobility.
Urban transport works as a sponge; they absorb the change of their socio-economic environment.This situation is usual for a services activity which is not an end by itself. One century of evolution of Parisian transport, the rehabilitation of surface transport in the country during the seventies and, at the end, the history of the Lyons Metro, give evidence, with a good perspective, of the existing inter-relations between town planning, technology and transport system. The supply economy and industrial domination are not recent phenomena, as the land speculation. The relative weight of the different determinants varies during the time and equity and accessibility considerations are not the only explanation of urban transport evolution.
In order to embrace all the effects of mass transit projects, aggregate multlcriteria methods have been developed. Among them, Electre IV appears as a method aggregating quantitative and qualitative criteria without applying weight. We would like to bring some elements for the estimation of this method and its typical application to urban mass transit. After having briefly presented Electre IV, we shall recall its limits by underlying three characteristics of this technocratic, weak and unsteady me¬thod. Then we shall show that these two last characteristics are actuality common to the three other Electre methods (I, II and III).
Are control vehicle nuisance and energy savings seeking compatible targets? Will current used techno¬logies in the automotive industry enable to realize convergent per¬formances in the field of pollutant emission, noice and fuel consumption reduction? A typology of various technologies according to their effects on each of above targets is set out.
The renewal of interest in network questions opens new opportunities for developing and understanding of urban transport issues and the economic, social and cultural consequences of technical development.O. Hanappe looks first at what occurred during the last 40 years in the field of urban communication networks. Then she identifies four issues related to the changing pattern of networks: how they help new Industrial sectors (i.e. telecommunications) to shape new social forms; how urban transport planning enables the authorities to change the system of land values and land uses; the transportation as a way to chan¬ge urban life and communication styles; how to produce transportation tools and to manage the networks in an Increasing international economic system.
This article is based on a report written in early 1985 for the Secretary of City Planning Housing and Transportation (MULT) who had requested assistance in defining the possible functions and staffing requirements of a high quality center for urban engineering. A look at the history of the different professions concerned with the urban environment reveals the strong links that existed between the urban hygiene movement and the emerging city planning movement at the turn of the century. In France during the last decade, these links have been renewed by the National Center of Scientific Research (C.N.R.S.) and by a number of organizations including the "City engineers of France". Based on his own practical experience reading and reflection, C. MARTINAND suggests a new definition of urban engineering: "the art of conceiving, developing and operating the urban technical networks that physically and socially link together the individual elements of the urban system". Using this definition as a starting point, the author proposes some directions for research and reading concerned with the consequences of urban systems.
After describing the organization of the Spanish port system and its place in the overall transport framework, this article examines Spanish ports policy, which is based on applying commercial criteria in the management of the different harbours. It then studies the methodology applied, at port level, in strategic or master plans. This analysis concentrates principally on the strategic plan for the port of Santander which has both internal and external elements in order to better respond to current structural changes in so¬cio-economic activity.
This paper gives examples of the most notable results, obtained by different methods from a present research program on automobile conducted by CREDOC (the Research Center for Study and Observation of Life Conditions). First, evolution factors of household’s equipment are presented in a micro-economic point of view. The 1972-1984 period motorization evolution is then analyzed from chronological surveys which show contrasted behaviours related to income levels and housing areas. Car use is after all seen through yearly average mileage by car and its evolution. Theses serials show the crisis Impact is clearly differentiated by household incomes.
As a public utility, the Parisian transport society (RATP: Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens) has always been very dependent upon state policies. We'll first study how the firm's choices about pricing, investment and employment were constrained by the economical policies of the seventies and early eighties. We'll then question the efficiency of macroeconomic tuning in the field of public transport and discuss unintended impacts such as the decrease of self-financing and the ever growing contribution of external money-lenders: employers, local communities and state. These resources enabled the firm to upgrade quality and image of public transportation. But, since 1984, the RATP bas been suffering from the deterioration of public finance.
The study addresses itself to the derivation of a method allowing of measuring the contribution of transport activities to the global product of a region or country. The computation method derived on the basis of a series of assumptions - integrating the transport of households, the interactivity linkages and marginal valuations applied to Dutch data.
For more than twenty years, many studies have been conducted for evaluating and measuring the effects ("follow of study") of transport network investments. It is possible now to understand interrelations between those two ways of studying. An historical example put into evidence difficulties inherent in those studies, such as problems about choice of temporal scales, of spatial scales, and about interrelations between modes of transport.